Year 6 Mrs Deacon

Year 6 Mrs Deacon – Summer Term


This term we looked at the Cirque du Freak, a book based around the idea of a Freak Show. This led us to research the history of this gruesome performance and write non-chronological reports all about them.


Shapes and Angles: we learnt all about shapes and angles and created a piece of artwork linking our knowledge together. The piece is based on triangles and quadrilaterals with their angles and how this links to straight lines and full turns.


Year 6 at PGL: This June we went on our annual residential to PGL where the children got to take risks and show resilience across a range of activities. Those who went had a fantastic time. Those who remained at school had a great week learning all about their physical and mental health and wellbeing and joining in with a range of activities.

Winder Curriculum:

Central America and the Equator: Year 6 learnt all about the equator in Topic and how this affects the temperature and climate in Central America. We made our information scripts into Chatterpix videos. See two examples of our work below.